some people think i'm crazy, but maybe i'm the sane one. love my girl and my golden child. all things atlanta braves.

Monday, March 25, 2013

first day of the rest of my life.

Well today has come and gone and you better bet your sweet ass I ate right and went to the gym. Even in this frigid weather. Did I want to stay at home and cuddle up in my bed? Yes, but I can always do that later. In order to hold myself accountable, I will be mainly be using this blog to keep record of my daily meals and workouts. I can't promise you I won't get off topic and vent a little here or there...


Breakfast: Two thin sandwich rounds with minimum peanut butter and blueberries on top.
Mid morning snack: Greek yogurt.
Lunch: Spinach and cucumbers with lite raspberry vinaigrette dressing.
Mid afternoon snack: Sweet and salty nut mix.
Dinner/post-workout: Protein shake.

Workout: (lift/leg day)

Leg Extensions 90lbs 3 sets of 12
Seated Leg Curls 70lbs 3 sets of 12
Seated Leg Press 170lbs 3 sets of 12
Leg Kick Backs 70lbs 3 sets of 12
Cardio: Elliptical Level 10 15 minutes.

Now for the good stuff to really see how many body changes. For the first time I actually measured myself. Measurements don't lie. I'm a little embarrassed about some of them but embarrassment is a good motivator! Believe me.. Here goes nothing.

Starting weight: 158 lbs
Biceps: 12 inches
Chest: 40 inches
Waist: 35.5 inches
Hips: 39.5 inches
Quads: 20.5 inches

Tomorrow, I plan on waking up before work and knocking my cardio out of the way early. Let me rephrase that, tomorrow I will wake up before work and knock my cardio out early!! Probably throw in a little abs. Then back to the gym after work! Can't wait.

"The human body is the best picture of the human soul."

Now back to The Voice!

Hasta Manana

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